Selling the open-source QEG and TeslaGen prototypes


The Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) is a “new energy” device being developed within the emergent transnational open-source paradigm. The TeslaGen is a mini version of the QEG, designed for greater ease in prototyping. This article is an overview of the available products from the current state of the QEG project (July 2016) based on information at Fix the World S.A.R.L. and at the QEG Free Energy Academy.


“The Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) is an open-sourced, potentially fuel-less generator prototype based on a public domain patented invention of Nikola Tesla. The type of energy that is utilized by the QEG design is different than that of a conventional generator. Once co-development is complete, the generator is designed to be highly efficient and to power a home. The QEG was opensourced in March of 2014 and has been in co-development with many teams around the world since this time.” [ read more ]

July 2016: QEG Academy Memberships now available
June 2016: QEG Project Changes News Report

[ read more news ]

QEG Build Manual  – 5th Edition


[ full info ] [ summary ]

“Announcing the 5th edition QEG Free Energy Generator Plans by authors James Robitaille and Tivon Rivers. These plans include 4 secondary transformer designs and instructions for converting volt-amperes reactive or VARs to watts using a bi-toroid transformer. The parts equipment and tools lists have been updated to take into account new technical discoveries made since the early stages of the QEG project in late 2013.”

Previous versions of the manual are available as free downloads (donations welcome) in the
following languages:

english ] [ french ] [ chinese] [ italian ] [ spanish ]

QEG eBook:
How to Build an Energy Efficient & Potentially
Fuel-less Generator

QEG ebook english LARGE

“Communities are demanding more ways to generate their own power. This eBook provides detailed instruction and information on how to build a reluctance generator that we call the QEG (Quantum Energy Generator). The book is the result of 2 years of experience building this device, written by two engineers with 50 years combined experience in the electrical engineering industry.”

Translations in various languages are available for $25 each.
Chinese ] [ Spanish ] [ French ] [ Italian ]

QEG Beginner’s Build
At Home Study Course



Class 1: Detailed documents describing insulation components used to insulate magnet wire from core steel; sourcing, cost, specifications, and installation of core insulating materials; pros & cons of building the QEG core vs. purchasing a fully processed unit.

Class 2: Detailed documents and photos of parts needed for completion of Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) core.

Class 3:  Detailed documents describing insulation components used to insulate magnet wire from core steel; sourcing, cost, specifications, and installation of core insulating materials; pros & cons of building the QEG core vs. purchasing a fully processed unit.

Class 4: External wiring diagram; description of drive system components; complete, updated QEG parts list.

Class 5: Photos depicting options for wiring, terminal blocks, etc.; startup and testing procedure; Hazards and Cautions involved with initial testing; Ivan Rivas’ professional Cad drawing package.

Class 6: Schematic for recommended load bank; corrected parallel wiring schematic; suggested components for building load bank (with photos); requirements for load bank; recommended components for protection gap (photos); location, mounting and wiring of protection gap (photos).

Class 7: Photos of 12-outlet strip and socket adapter; “QEG Mechanically Pumped Parametric Transformer” (document); “sweet spot” test data; QEG Synopsis/call for experiments; original WITTS setup with additional feedback coils over secondaries schematic.

Class 8:  Includes revised QEG Cautions-Hazards document, electronic regulation, self-looping, and mains/grid interface reference documents, photos/description of recommended test equipment, antenna reference design, revised set-up and test document, call for experiments document.

Class 9: Includes updated original schematic, exciter coil development photos, photos and videos of Tesla hairpin radiant energy experiments, “RF Energy via Ionosphere” document (for class study), Litz wire specifications and supplier info., photos of ground network components, photos of suggested generator wiring layout.

Class 10: Suggested load bank with switched lamp sockets; 300 Watt rheostat; ground rod; mica fixed and variable capacitors; mica compression capacitors; flat exciter coil with litz wire; original exciter coil; link to Witts video showing exciter coil construction; spark gap in primary xp schematic; spark gap carrying primary current xp schematic; MFJ-6140 antenna kit (ref); EZTM-40 telescoping mast brochure (ref); guy wire system brochure (ref); screw-in guy anchors, guy lines brochure (ref); self-looping principle drawing (ref); TI Solar Inverter kit datasheet.

[ info

QEG Basics Package



All of the above and more: the QEG Fuel-less Generator Basics Package is a set of instant downloads with lots of extra help and webinar information to help you start building your own free energy generator.

Included in this renewable energy courses package are the following products:

Over 15 hours of instructional video from the 2015 live class.
Hundreds of pages of supporting documents (PDF).
252 pages step-by-step instructions.
Full professional CAD package with photos, diagrams,schematics and other resources.
15% discount on QEG private consultation.
62 High-Quality, Fully Restored Tesla Patents For Your Quantum Energy Research (PDF).
Quantum Energy Articles: John Moray – Drawing Kinetic Energy from Space, T. Henry Moray – The Sea of Energy in Which the Earth Floats, Baldor Launches Energy Saving Incentive, Rotoverter Operating Principles, Transverter R & D, Resonance and Impedance Matching, RF Circuit Design.
Exclusive 4th Edition QEG Build Manual – includes all updates to get to overunity in one place: 2 years of research and development including building instructions, exhaustive parts list, full CAD package, schematics, diagrams and photos.
4 x 2 hr. Q&A webinars (total 8 hrs) of instructions for beginner and advanced builders.

[ info


QEG Complete Builder’s Package



All of the above and more: a most complete resource for the builder.

[ info


The TeslaGen V1 mini QEG

“A new open sourced co-development project intended on building a portable reluctance generator that can power loads between 700w-900w or more. This project is based around building, teaching and open sourcing instructions. This can help a wider array of DIY engineers learn formerly suppressed engineering skills based on the creation of electrical power through the phenomenon Nikola Tesla discovered, known as resonance and radiant energy. Some of the exciting key features of the TeslaGen v1 mini QEG are; lower price, smaller and lighter weight, CAD files made available, easier core winding, hot-swap rotor, easy experimentation with other popular ‘free energy’ techniques.”


TeslaGen V1 Mini QEG CAD Files ]
info ]

[ TestlaGen V1 Mini QEG Crowdfunding Campaign ]

“In the above Mini QEG Free Energy Generator Roundtable Discussion, inventors James Robitaille and Tivon Rivers discuss the latest updates with the QEG and also the TeslaGen V1 Mini QEG. Hopegirl adds to the conversation with an overview of QEG free energy generator global distribution plans through cottage industry community units (CICUs).”

Primary Sources for QEG information

Fix The World S.A.R.L. 

Humanitarian Organization and Renewable Energy Labs


QEG Free Energy Academy

Tesla-Inspired Renewable Energy Online eLearning


Hopegirl Blog

Alternative News for Body-Mind-Spirit-Planet


[ archives ]

Hopegirl (Naima Feagin) holds a Masters of Business Administration and is the CEO of Fix the World S.A.R.L., an international business and humanitarian association headquartered in Morocco. She is also the lead project manager for the Quantum Energy Generator Project, which is a free energy generator open sourced by the FTW Organization in 2014.


Become a QEG affiliate today and earn commissions by supporting the current transnational grassroots free energy movement.

QEG Free Energy Academy: Products and Courses
QEG products for sale:


Related Articles

Part 1: The Quantum Energy Generator: Philosophy.
Part 2: The Quantum Energy Generator: Theory.
Part 3: The Quantum Energy Generator: Practice.
Part 4: The Quantum Energy Generator: Store and Academy.
Part 5: The Quantum Energy Generator: The Bright Side.

This article series in the Connectivist Collective blog continues to be edited after publication because the philosophy, theory and practice of disseminating information about the QEG offers many opportunities for learning. Much of the information pertaining to the FTW or the QEG is copied or paraphrased from source materials. Knowledge has been edited to summarize the essence of the project.

Nauki Ścisłe i Duchowość: Wywołując 無


無 – “Mu”

Medytacja Vipassana, Hatha Joga Sivananda,  Ajurweda,
Uzdrawianie Rekonektywne, Technika Kwantowego Uzdrawiania Hipnozą.

Następujące streszczenia wiedzy praktycznej o istocie człowieka na Ziemi napisałem aby rozpocząć przekaz ich wzajemnych powiązań metafizycznych:

Vipassana: metafizyczne podstawy praktyki
Obserwuję doznania fizyczne ze zrównoważonym umysłem i jednoczesnym rozumieniem nietrwałości. Ból pozostaje, lecz bez cierpienia. Wygoda pozostaje i można się cieszyć bez porywczego podniecenia.

Ajurweda: pożywienie według smaku
Wszystko bierze udział w alchemicznym procesie: jestem spożywanym przez życie i sam jestem istotą spożywającą życie na wzajemnie oddziaływającym poziomie. Wszystko jest stworzone według panujących praw przyrody oraz podstaw energetycznych.

Hatha Joga Sivananda: ćwiczenia fizyczne i oddech
Istotną właściwością mojego ludzkiego bytu jest wewnętrzny spokój: naturalny stan relaksu ciała i umysłu. Zjednaczam się z własną prawdziwą tożsamoścą kiedy odpoczywam, ćwiczę, oddycham, odżywiam się i prowadzę wgląd w sposób zgodny z przyrodą.

Uzdrawianie Rekonektywne i Technika Kwantowego Uzdrawiania Hipnozą
Podświadomość jest moją prawdziwą świadomością. Tak jak każdy, mam wrodzoną zdolność do uzyskiwania dostępu do tej wszechobecnej inteligencji która jest jednością. 


Osobisty Proces Badawczy

Najpierw przyszła nowa informacja. Zacząłem ją stosować w życiu. Doświadczyłem i przetrawiłem odpowiednią ilość i jakość wiedzy aby zrozumieć jej podstawy. Streszczyłem zarys tej mądrości w języku angielskim posługując się techniką mapowania myśli. Przetłumaczyłem to na mapy myśli w języku polskim, a następnie na cyfrową wersję oraz zarys informacji do artykułów w formacie bloga.

W tym procesie zauważyłem że przetwarzanie osobistej doświadczalnej wiedzy z map myśli nie zadowala w formacie tekstu z logicznie ułożonymi zdaniami. Moje myśli i skojarzenia nie działają w ten sposób. Artykukły stanowią wyłącznie strzeszczenie i dokumentację. To co mam ułożone w sobie, w swoich myślach nie jest tym co ktokolwiek inny ma w sobie lub w swoich myślach. A tutaj chodzi o dokładny przekaz. Dzielę się informacją z nadzieją że może to pomóc osobom którzy żyją i ciekawią się procesami życia według bezpośredniego osobistego doświadczania rzeczywistości.

Z tego doświadczenia skorzystałem aby rozpocząć pracę nad słownikiem angielsko-polskim z pojęciami które mi się wydają znaczące do tego stopnia że potrzebują nową uwagę. Wiem że “strasznie” piszę po polsku. Pomimo tego, podaję łącze do artykułu o “słowniku do zestrajania odpowiednich słów”:

English-Polish Attunement Guide ]

Jestem świadomy tego że prawie nikt nie czyta moich artykułów. Widzę to nie tylko ze statystyk na tle bloga. Słyszę to poprzez rozmowy z ludzmi którzy otaczają moje obecne życie. Taka jest sytuacja, to żaden problem. Pomimo tego wiem co ja robię i robię to dalej ponieważ mam nadzieję i widzę że przyszłość jest niewiadoma.

Dokumentuję własną drogę prowadzącą w kierunku stylu życia który jest ekologicznie zrównoważony. Cieszy mnie możliwość harmonijnego współistnienia z postępem technologicznym na właściwych podstawach osobistych.


Dalsza Praca

Pracuję przy ujawnieniach dotyczących nowych, czystych, bezpaliwowych żródeł energii. Są one poza zasięgiem popularnej wiedzy naukowej. Jest to geo-polityczna rewolucja na skali makro-ekonomicznej. Pojazdy kosmiczne są powiązanym tematem.

Dokumentacja tutaj przedstawiona może pomóc osobom którzy mogą zweryfikować rzeczywistość poprzez odpowiednie osobiste doświadczenia. Naczelne zadanie dzisiejszego cyfrowego tłumu nadnarodowego jest poznawanie rzeczywistości poprzez odpowiedni rozwój postrzegania tego co łączy niewidzialny świat umysłu ze światem przejawiającym się jako materia. W tym doświadczalnym pojęciu zjednoczyć można uniwersalną ludzką duchowość z zaawansowanymi osiągnięciami technologicznymi.

Jak żyć? Nie wiem. Będę dokumentował jak mi idzie poprzez wymienione podejścia które wydają mi się zgodne z przyrodą na Ziemi. Z taką podstawą do codziennego życia osobistego wracam do badań i rozwoju bezpaliwowych urządzeń energetycznych oraz ujawnień na temat ludzi z poza Ziemi. Kolejność projektów które badam:

CSETI “Unacknowledged” ]

siriusdisclosure official website unacknowledged connectivist collective screenshot may 30 2016

FTW “Quantum Energy Generator” ]

Fix the World official website quantum energy generator screenshot connectivist collective may 30 2016

KFSSI “Magrav Universal Power Systems” ]

keshe foundation spaceship institute official website magrav home power screenshot connectivist collective may 30 2016

Platforma “Crowdfunding” wspierająca urządzenia energetyczne

Aby pomóc wszystkim przy wykonywaniu podjętego kierunku, zakładam nową platformę finansowania poprzez tłum cyfrowy (czyli, “crowdfunding platform”) dla projektów które wspierają budowę nowych, czystych, bezpaliwowych urządzeń energetychnych.

Wersja angielska tej dokumentacji jest w przygotowaniu. Uzupełnianie informacji zawsze trwa.

The Quantum Energy Generator – part 4 of 5: Store and Academy


The Quantum Energy Generator
Part 4 of 5: Store and Academy.

Technical documentation of the QEG is available in a variety of formats, including updates and schooling at the new transnational academy.

[ July 10th, 2016 update: Selling the open-source QEG and TeslaGen prototypes ]

The fuelless QEG power unit building instructions are available for free (open-source) and provide professional empowering opportunities for a humanitarian deviation from the spiritual-ecological crisis engulfing the planet today. The following links provide further opportunities to purchase supplementary guidance in alternative formats at various levels of building competence.

James Robitaille, the lead QEG engineer introduces the QEG in 2015:

[ Download the Free and Open Source QEG Build Manual ]

FTW QEG Store logo - connectivist collective - nov 2015 _063894d27347d6ff3f760111e0d46bbb
The FTW Humanitarian Projects Technology Labs offers various degrees of immersion into the QEG builder’s program. The available course materials for do-it-yourself (DIY) enthusiasts come in packages or single modules. The first package is the QEG Beginners Build At Home Study Course ($180) with Instruction Course Downloads and Individual Course Descriptions. Other packages are as follows:

[ The FTW QEG Store ]

QEG Building Basics Package - conectivist collective - nov 2015 _f258ce47db1407108751275cfab16ec3
QEG Building Basics Package ] ($695)

Building Basics can be bought as videos, audio books and PDF documents. There are 10 and they can be purchased as complete sets or by selecting the desired courses:

Class 1: Core & Insulation Choices
Class 2: Base, Resonance, Parts
Class 3: Core Assembly & Capacitors
Class 4: Core Mounting & Drive System
Class 5: Initial Mechanical & Electrical Set-up
Class 6: Load Bank & Protection Gap
Class 7: QEG Operational Description
Class 8: Hazards, Operation, 3 Rs Part 1
Class 9: 3 Rs Part 2, Exciter Coil, Grounding
Class 10: 3 Rs Part 3, Antenna, Radiant Energy

Building Basics PDF Documents

Building Basics Course Mp3 Audios
Includes supporting documents $15 each or $120 for 10.

QEG Complete Builders Package - connectivist collective - nov 2015 _07324e11efaf80071fe5b537a9bb5441
Complete Builder’s Package with Guarantee ] ($1250)

Quality, Accuracy, Efficacy of the build instructions, ongoing webinars, and quarterly progress reports. The machine will produce over-unity output and self-sustaining, with minimum COP of 3.9 and minimum 3 kW usable RMS output with no fuel or input whatsoever. The machine can produce up to 10 kW and more.

10 Week Video and PDF at Home Study Course
QEG eBook
4th Edition Build Manual ($100 if purchased separately)
QEG Quarterly Report with Private QEG Consulting
QEG Coaching Webinars
Tesla Patents Report ($100 if purchased separately)
Quantum Energy Articles ($100 if purchased separately)

The QEG Academy

FTW QEG Academy screenshot nov 2015 - connectivist collective

The QEG Academy offers all the educational materials and technological contact information for transnational build teams. Skype Consultations are possible with the core engineering team for $300 per hour. As of November 2015, discounts are available for select items.

QEG Building Basics Webinars - connectivist Collective _ nov 2015 _42353a87a3b3a0a5d4637930043ec662

Taught by James Robitaille, each of the webinars consists of questions and answers, and covers instructions on how to assemble the QEG. The webinars go along with the 10-week course/ebook. Each webinar is approximately 2 hrs long.

Building Basics Webinars ]
($40 each or $128 for 4)

Webinar 1 – August 26, 2015.
Webinar 2 – September 2, 2015.
Webinar 3 – September 9, 2015.
Webinar 4 – September 16, 2015.

Free Online QEG Build Webinars

(not available as of July 2016)

QEG eBooks

As of November 2015, the following QEG eBook editions are available:
English ($47), ChineseFrenchSpanish, and Italian.

QEG Italian eBook cover - connectivist collective - nov 2015 _1348101aef838b837fda4a549b282a41
Each translation from the english language is $25. More are expected to be produced through the FTW QEG Rosetta Stone crowdfunding campaign.

This article is part 4 of 5:  The Quantum Energy Generator: Store and Academy.

Part 1: The Quantum Energy Generator: Philosophy.
Part 2: The Quantum Energy Generator: Theory.
Part 3: The Quantum Energy Generator: Practice.
Part 5: The Quantum Energy Generator: The Bright Side.

This article series in the Connectivist Collective blog continues to be edited after publication because the philosophy, theory and practice of disseminating information about the QEG offers many opportunities for learning. Much of the information pertaining to the FTW or the QEG is copied or paraphrased from source materials. Knowledge has been edited to summarize the essence of the project.


The Quantum Energy Generator – Part 3 of 5: Practice


The Quantum Energy Generator
Part 3 of 5: Practice.

The QEG is a successfully built device

The Fix the World organization has developed a three-phase building approach for the Quantum Energy Generator teams: “resonance”, “over-unity”, and “self-sustaining”. Many countries have reached the first phase, some have passed the second, and it is certain that at least two have completed the final build phase. As of November 2015 it is still risky to build a “self-sustaining” power unit anywhere in the world unless the device is open-sourced, crowdfunded and available transnationally in a co-development environment. Live broadcasting of major achievements is also essential when many people are ready to listen.

[ July 10th, 2016 update: Selling the open-source QEG and TeslaGen prototypes ]

Phase 1 of 3, “Resonance”, Completed March 2014:

The amazing story of the QEG build in Morocco.QEG Marocco resonance - connectivist collective - nov 2015 _aouchtam_Morocco-QEG-crew_600
Resonance in Morocco ]
(the above image is the original Aouchtam team)

Phase 2 of 3, “Over-Unity”, Completed mid-2014:
Life after Over-Unity.QEG overunity - conectivist collective - 2015 _engineersOver-Unity in Morocco ]
(the above image is from the UK over-unity build)

Phase 3 of 3, “Self-Sustaining”, Completed anew in 2015:
QEG Phase 3 Complete.

[ See also: USA “Self-Running” WITTS demonstration circa 2008 ]

The innovations that can be applied to the advancement of the QEG are numerous. By nature of the co-development paradigm, further innovations depend on the creative expression of the engineers and inventors that are working on the QEG.

[ Public Service Announcement ]

QEG Phase 3 complete - connectivist collective - nov 2015 _150712_QEG_phase3-complete_350
The Fix The World organization has published a step-by step detailed procedure for tuning the machine to enable self-sustaining with additional power output:

QEG Tuning & Technical Update Parts 1,2 and 3,
and the QEG Theory of Operation

With this final piece the FTW is now closing the public project of the QEG.  For the FTW QEG family team, further innovations for the QEG and its development will be conducted in a privatized manner. Engineers and the public now have everything they need to replicate the QEG on their own.

FTW has created a support platform for transnational co-development in order to have many successful build groups broadcasting live from the final build stages.


How much does a QEG cost?

The QEG is a prototype, which means it is still in development and there is no fixed price for a finished product. Any skilled engineer can use the free open-sourced QEG manual to gather all the different components from various suppliers around the world. To build a QEG one needs to purchase all the parts, have a workspace to build, and have a variety of mechanical tools for testing and measuring.

FTW does not sell QEGs, mass manufacture QEGs, or play a decision making role in any small business group that sells or manufatures QEGs.

Where can I buy a QEG?

It is not possible to purchase a built QEG from a supplier at this time. It is possible to build a QEG on one’s own or to hire a builder. One can use the manual to source the parts.

The QEG is open-sourced. The FTW is not selling a product, but is providing opportunities which offer compensation for the time spent on realizing the project. That is why the organization is charging for books, classes and consultations.

“While we have freely given the build manual (now available in 4 languages) away to the world, the QEG journey has not made us wealthy. So like many people who have to exchange the value of their time and work for money, this is the case for us.  We have put thousands of hours into creating supplemental materials to the open-sourced build manual, but a skilled engineer could build the device with just the manual. Others may need more help. We cannot work for free and offer high quality materials for the DIY engineer and other alternative energy advocates.”

Quantum Energy Generator Disclosure Documents

QEG build manual v4 - connectivist collective - nov 2015 _28abab7de1bf5b470fb31f448dacad04
The Open Source (patent-free) QEG Build Manual – third edition.
This is the complete QEG manual. As of November 2015, at is available in the following languages: english, french, italian, chinese, and spanish.

Technical Updates 1, 2, 3 with supplementary guidance.

4th Edition QEG Manual ($100).
This is the third edition manual (also available separately and free of charge) with all three updates (also available separately and free of charge) compacted into one package.

eBook Build Manual translations. and the “QEG Rosetta Stone” crowdfunding campaing.

QEG spanish manual - connectivist collective - nov 2015 _spanish-pic

QEG CAD drawings designed and generously donated to FTW by Ivan Rivas, 3D Senior Designer and Consultant. [ Email ]

Diagram ‘END PANELS WIRING’ designed and generously donated to FTW by Tivon Rivers, Engineer. [ Website ]

FTW QEG quantum energy generator - manual - 5 june 2015 - pg 26 - qeg schematic - connectivist collective

FTW QEG: [ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ]

FTW QEG: [ For Beginners (Summary of Links) ]

Source QEG Facebook Pages

QEG FB discussion group screenshot - connectivist collective - nov 2015

FTW QEG Discussion ] [ Be-Do QEG ]
FTW QEG ] [ List of QEG Facebook Pages ]

Source QEG Skype Networks

QEG Network ] [ QEG Network Q & A ]

The Mini QEG

QEG and QEG mini - connectivist collective - 2014 _qegandqegmini_lg
The Mini QEG (1 kW) is an experimental development platform. Its smaller size makes it possible to change things around using smaller parts, enabling more of a rapid-prototyping approach.

Mini QEG in Hungary ] [ Mini QEG in Japan ]

Assembly of The Mini QEG ] (video)

Quantum Energy Generator 3D videos

QEG 3D capture - connectivist collective - nov 2015 _qeg-pic

QEG core ] [ QEG introduction ] [ QEG design ] [ QEG core flux gating ]

Countries officially building the Quantum Energy Generator

Note: many countries have groups forming at the foundational level. Such teams are spreading information without any building activity.

QEG CICUs - connectivist collective - nov 2015 _qeg-global-cicu-collage
Be-Do .com A central news portal for the global QEG movement.

[ Youtube Channel ] [ Forum ] [ Meet-up Contacts ]
Cottage Industry Community Units  (CICUs)]

Quantum Energy Generator .com – a secondary domain and news repository for QEG builders.

List of Countries with Quantum Energy Generator builds


Technical Institute A. Malignani of Udine ] [ video ]

[ resonance video ] [ El Inceible Motor QEG ] [ ] ]

South Africa
[ video ]

with James Robitaille ] [ QEG CICU family ] [ Resonance ]

QEG Bangladesh ]

(A group in Dongguan)
[ QEG China ]

QEG Guadalupe - connectivist collective - nov 2015_BxtYtvqIcAAJ_Sj

[ Resonance ]

[ 2015 workshop host ]

[ QEG Project Slovenia ]

[ QEG Deutschland mit Plasmafunkenstrecke ]
QEG Forum ]
QEG Germany – Free QEG Construction Open Sources Manual (EN) ]

[ QEG Hungary 2014 07 23 ]

QEG Ukraine part 1 КЭГ Квантовый Энерго Генератор первая примерка ]

United Kingdom
[ Resonance ]
[ Quantum Energy Generator – private UK build ]

[ Team QEG Sweden ]

[ QEG Poland Facebook Group ]
[ 2014 Disclosure Group “Lud Wody Ognistej” – Facebook Group ]
[ QEG Poland on Slack (collaborative network platform) ]
QEG Poland Group on LinkedIn ]

[ QEG Canada website (offline) ]
[ QEG Toronto website (offline) ]
[ QEG Toronto Facebook Page (fans) ]
[ QEG Toronto Facebook Group (work) ]
[ QEG Tofino Facebook Group (work) ]
[ QEG Canada on Skype: “QEGGERS Across Canada“]
[ Failed Vancouver QEG Crowdfunding Campaign]

[ Failed Australian QEG Crowdfunding Campaign ]

[ Failed USA QEG Crowdfunding Campaign ]

[ QEG Europe on Slack (collaborative network platform) ]
[ Balkans Crowdfunding Campaign ]


Special Notice: “The Odyssevs project in Ellas Greece is building their QEG from the ground up with an impeccable level of care and higher consciousness. Odyssevs is a group of currently sixteen simple residents of Chania Crete and two from Athens plus a humanitarian group called Peace Farm, for a total of nineteen members.”

QEG Odyssevs Winder 1st Try ] QEG Greece: Odyssevs Ellas ]

George Kodar QEG Greece Youtube channel ]
(includes KFSSI magrav plasma coil work.)

This article is part 3 of 5:  The Quantum Energy Generator: Practice.

Part 1: The Quantum Energy Generator: Philosophy.
Part 2: The Quantum Energy Generator: Theory.
Part 4: The Quantum Energy Generator: Store and Academy.
Part 5: The Quantum Energy Generator: The Bright Side.

This article series in the Connectivist Collective blog continues to be edited after publication because the philosophy, theory and practice of disseminating information about the QEG offers many opportunities for learning. Much of the information pertaining to the FTW or the QEG is copied or paraphrased from source materials. Knowledge has been edited to summarize the essence of the project.

The Quantum Energy Generator – Part 2 of 5: Theory


The Quantum Energy Generator
Part 2 of 5: Theory.

Laws of Physics apply to current energy systems, Laws of Nature apply to the open asymmetrical system properties of the Quantum Energy Generator

The Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) is a transitional “free energy” device which transforms the lack of a public fuelless energy source to a working prototype version. Compared with current engineering standards, the QEG is not an advanced unit. It has been chosen as one of the first possible solutions for the public development of new, clean, fuelless sources of energy. There are other approaches that are available, many of which have yet to be disclosed. The increasing public support for the QEG is only a portion of the global movement of new technologies which are not only humanitarian but also life sustaining and ecologically sound.

[ July 10th, 2016 update: Selling the open-source QEG and TeslaGen prototypes ]

QEG Plans image 1

The Quantum Energy Generator system is an adaptation of one of Nikola Tesla’s many patented electrical generator / dynamo / alternator designs. The particular patents referenced are No. 511,916, titled simply “Electric Generator”, dated January 2, 1894 and No. 390,414, titled “Dynamo-Electric Machine”, dated October 2, 1888.


The QEG is not a complicated device. It is designed (like Tesla’s other discoveries) to work in harmony with nature’s laws, rather than power wasting closed system motor and generator designs used in today’s mainstream industry. The QEG is an asymmetrical open system that operates according the laws of nature. The laws of nature contain concepts that focus on frequency, resonance, vibration, magnetics and energy. The Quantum Energy Generator power unit does not violate the laws of thermodynamics as these only apply to a closed symmetrical systemAsymmetrical open systems have been traditionally omitted from higher educational learning programs.


James Clerk Maxwell FRS FRSE (1831–1879) was a Scottish mathematical physicist. His most prominent achievement was to formulate a set of equations that describe electricity, magnetism, and optics as manifestations of the same phenomenon, namely the electromagnetic field.


His discoveries helped usher in the era of modern physics, laying the foundation for such fields as special relativity and quantum mechanics. In his original work: The Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field, Maxwell identified two separate systems, both of which were completely different from each other:

1) Asymmetrical system: an ‘open’ system that allows the creation of a series of exchange of energy reaction to our inputs, based on electromagnetic resonance or electromagnetic feedback in every spin (on a motor), or in every pulse of input in a static coil. One of the first asymmetrical motors was Faraday’s ‘Unipolar Motor,’ later modified by Nikola Tesla. These systems generate their own energy and do not require fossil fuels.

2) Symmetrical system: a ‘closed’ system that cancels the electromagnetic resonance with every spin, which creates wasted energy in excessive heat and requires an additional energy source to run such as fossil fuels. These are the “symmetrical obsolete systems” we use every day in all of our electrical appliances.

Maxwell p5 JPG copy

One year after Maxwell’s death in 1879, scientists Hendrick Lorentz financed by J.P. Morgan and Thomas Edison, mutilated Maxwell’s original work and spent the next two decades deleting all knowledge of asymmetrical systems that would not require the profitable oil industry to operate. They ‘symmetrized’ all of Maxwell’s equations, and labeled these incomplete theories as the “Laws of Physics”. While the laws of physics do indeed apply to symmetrical closed systems of energy, there is another set of laws: The Laws of Nature, which apply to the asymmetrical systems that have been suppressed by the financial interests of the banking families for the last 130 years.


Laws of Nature and the Quantum Energy Generator

When tuning something to vibrate at the frequency of the earth, while simultaneously reaching zero-point, one is freed from the frequency influence of the environment and can alter the energy into anything including levitation or electricity. This is how the QEG works: Tesla’s design causes it to resonate so that it matches the frequency of the earth, and in zero-point, it changes the energy into self-renewing electrical energy. The QEG works with conventional and unconventional concepts of contemporary physics.

The technical theory of the Quantum Energy Generator

In contemporary terminology, the QEG is a “switched reluctance generator“.

The current adaptation of the QEG is a conversion from a linear generating system with a reciprocating rod whose period is electrically regulated, to a rotary generating system. The reciprocating rod is replaced by a rotor whose motion is also electrically regulated, by means of tuned parametric resonance (parametric oscillation). The original intent of the patent (electrical regulation of the period (frequency) of a repetitive mechanical motion) is further expanded through subsequent utilization and application of mechanical self-resonance and radiant energy, in order to make the machine self-sustaining. The QEG prototype is scaled to produce electrical power in the range of 10-15 kW (kilowatts) continuously, and can be set up to provide either 120 Volt or 230-240 Volt single phase output. Future design plans include 3-phase power. Service life of the device is limited only by certain replaceable components, such as bearings, v-belts, and capacitors. The basic machine should operate trouble-free (with minimal maintenance) for as long as any good quality electro-mechanical appliance, such as a quality washing machine or refrigerator.

QEG schematic part feb 2015 connectivist collective

An effective way to understand the operating principle of the QEG is to think of it as a self-powered toroidal transformer with high-voltage primary, and low voltage secondary. The primary high voltage is self-generated through mechanically pumped parametric resonance. The resonance occurs as a function of the spinning rotor modulating the reluctance/inductance in the primary tank circuit windings. This modulation initiates an oscillation which can develop up to 20,000 volts (20kV) or more in amplitude, with frequency determined by the tank capacitor value and inductance value in the primary windings. Power is then transferred to the secondary during the intervals where the rotor is between pole pieces (unaligned). The resultant power output is relatively high-voltage, low current AC (up to 5kV or more, at up to 2 Amps or more). In today’s alternative energy terminology, it would be called a type of resonance machine.

The circuitry that develops high power in this device is based on an existing but under-utilized power oscillator configuration, however, the ‘quantum’ part of the design has to do with how the basic generator output is enhanced by the core mechanical resonance, and insertion of radiant energy to produce additional power.


Conventional alternators (AC generators) consume much more input power than the output power they provide. For example, one brand of power take off (PTO) alternator uses 18,000 watts (24 horsepower) to develop 13,000 watts of output power. In the QEG, input power is used only to maintain resonance in the core, which uses a fraction of the output power (under 1000 watts to produce 10,000 watts), and once development is completed, the QEG will provide this power to its own 1 horsepower motor. This is known as over-unity, or COP over 1 (Coefficient of Performance). Once the machine is up and running at the resonant frequency, it will power itself (self-sustaining).

In the QEG, there is no internal, common exciter coil, and no rotor windings. In addition, to look at the circuit diagram, it is not apparent where the input power comes from to start resonance, and this is key; the QEG exciter coil is external to the generator, and the excitation signal is conducted through the quantum field (zero point) into the generator core, to start oscillation. Once the machine builds up to the resonant frequency, it powers itself (self running).

FTW QEG quantum energy generator - manual - 5 june 2015 - pg 24 - stator assy - connectivist collective

Once tuned, the QEG’s sinusoidal output energy is a combination of AC, RF, and radiant impulses, which will drive standard loads equivalent to 3kW (guaranteed) up to 10kW RMS or more, depending on the level of tuning. The output frequency I’m running is 150Hz, which is the ½ harmonic of the M19 core steel’s resonant frequency of 300Hz (this may be different for your machine depending on steel type used), and this is the frequency (150Hz) that has to be converted to 50 or 60HZ to be usable as your electrical mains. The output voltage is dependent upon whether the secondary output is wired in series or parallel, and will likely be 300-350 VAC for series wiring, and 150-200 VAC for parallel. Since people seem to expect a COP rating (which is really inappropriate for a self-sustained machine), I have guaranteed output of at least COP 3.9 based on the ratio of motor input power (768 Watts or 1 HP) to total output power (3000/768=3.90625), or at least 3kW RMS output.

FTW QEG quantum energy generator - manual - 5 june 2015 - pg 26 - qeg schematic - connectivist collective

Warnings for QEG Engineers

The QEG is an electromechanical device and as such, safety for the individual and end user should always be of prime concern. It is therefore essential that persons assembling the device are experienced in the field of electro-mechanical assembly. Some level of familiarity with quantum physics would also be very helpful. The QEG is not competing with other free energy devices.

If you are trained in traditional physics and have not been exposed to any Quantum Energy research or designs, FTW recommends becoming familiar with some basic Quantum Energy devices and how they work: for example electrical and mechanical resonance, tuning, and radiant energy.

It is imperative to understand the need for professional and expert advice to install a QEG. This notice serves the purpose of communicating the serious nature of building a quantum machine, as we are well aware that there have been severe restrictive agencies involved with their suppression. Quantum free energy is not taught at University and most designers have not been successful at any distribution. It is one’s own responsibility to make certain one is building the QEG with positive intentions for humanity… and all life on the planet and beyond.

This article is part 2 of 5:  The Quantum Energy Generator: Theory.

Part 1: The Quantum Energy Generator: Philosophy.
Part 3: The Quantum Energy Generator: Practice.

Part 4: The Quantum Energy Generator: Store and Academy.
Part 5: The Quantum Energy Generator: The Bright Side.

This article series in the Connectivist Collective blog continues to be edited after publication because the philosophy, theory and practice of disseminating information about the QEG offers many opportunities for learning. Much of the information pertaining to the FTW or the QEG is copied or paraphrased from source materials. Knowledge has been edited to summarize the essence of the project.

The Quantum Energy Generator – Part 1 of 5: Philosophy


The Quantum Energy Generator
Part 1 of 5: Philosophy.

The global energy crisis is based on continued suppression of the solutions

There has been a suppression of open system clean energy technology for over 100 years. The Quantum Energy Generator project is an attempt at a practical working solution.

[ July 10th, 2016 update: Selling the open-source QEG and TeslaGen prototypes ]

The devices which create the energy to power everything in our lives can be categorized as closed systems. All of these systems have been designed to ensure consumption of fuel and they all require much more energy input than they are able to output. With open systems, it is possible to accumulate energy already present and to convert this into useable form. It is not necessary to consume something in order to create energy.

This project focuses on transmitting the knowledge of open systems into the hands of the engineers who can build them.

An introduction to advanced power production units based on the science of open systems and free energy from the active vacuum

In its natural state, space has energy. This energy is free. This space is sometimes called “the vacuum”. According to the laws of nature, this free energy is everywhere, it is abundant and can be accessed for various applications. Power systems whose source is energy from the active vacuum have yet to emerge in the public domain. However, there exist devices which act as transitory introductions to these technologies such as the “Quantum Energy Generator”.

One of the ways to access and extract clean energy from the vacuum is the use of devices which transform this energy into usable power. Energy can be free, in the monetary sense, when such a device outputs excess energy (“over-unity”) while simultaneously sustaining power for itself (“self-running”).

images (1)

The final building phase of the Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) was completed the moment self-running was enabled in the summer of 2015. This generator is being developed to power a small home and to offer independence from fuels and the power grid. The QEG is not the only such device. It is not even one of the devices which can draw energy purely from the active vacuum – yet it is a significant step forward.

The first new, clean, fuelless power production units are currently being introduced through various phases of promotion by means of open-sourcing and crowdfunding. Energy from the vacuum belongs to an advanced category of new, clean energy because it is fuelless and moves beyond clean energy sources such as the sun, wind, and water.

Paying for fuel and energy was designed in order to control the macro-economy which does not support ecological sustainability today. Since this is a situation created by people, the business paradigm shift from competition to collaboration is the solution to the energy crisis which can enable the acquisition of free energy.

Clean, fuelless power sources confirm breakthrough possibilities which can arise on the scale of civilization. However, public opinion these days is directed by the popular state of knowledge, and thus some of the most adverse reactions to new energy comes from reputable scientists and engineering communities. Skeptics and trolls also play their roles in condemning the transnational development of the QEG, despite ongoing documentation of success.

This movement is about bringing free energy to the planet, in particular where there is a need to eliminate war and poverty, and where there is striving towards ecological sustainability. Success in engineering and the applications of working free energy devices is essential, but only corresponding dissemination of practical knowledge pertaining to sustainable lifestyles leads to the harmonious development of free energy.

Energy from the vacuum as well as transitional devices can put an end to the growing demand for fossil fuels, eradicate poverty and prolong harmonious life on the planet. New, clean, fuelless energy sources could have been widely available for at least 100 years. Natural shifts in human consciousness combined with corresponding technological advances have (at their material root) the power to bring understanding of international conflicts which are commonly based on the acquisition and possession of energy resources. It can be deduced that new energy sources in the hands of an aware people can resolve the needs for unnecessary patents and militarization.

FTW new logo

The “Fix the World” Organization and the “Quantum Energy Generator” Movement

Note from the author: Much of the following information pertaining to the FTW or the QEG is copied or paraphrased from source materials. Knowledge has been edited to summarize the essence of the project.

Fix the World is a Humanitarian Projects Organization established by a group of volunteers in 2012. It holds an array of project plans that involve clean energy technology, alternative healing, environmental cleanup, alternative education, spiritual awareness and sustainable communities. The work is focused on helping to implement a new paradigm by spreading awareness of real solutions to the planetary crisis, while exposing corruption and the suppression of ideas.

[ Website ] [ Facebook Page ]

FTW has been working towards building an infrastructure with which to fund and implement the projects for the last four years. The Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) is the first project intended to bring a “free energy” device prototype to power a home, and then give away the plans for free on the internet. The main purpose of this strategy is to allow access to suppressed engineering information to the “common man” so that other DIY engineers can replicate the device and co-develop its improvements in an environment free from patents and non-disclosure agreements. FTW builds QEG prototypes and teaches the technology to engineers and offers educational materials with consulting services to independent groups.

The Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) is an open-sourced (patent-free) fuelless generator prototype based on an invention of Nikola Tesla. The generator is designed to be a highly efficient energy source. It is enough to power a home while decentralizing the power grid. The QEG build has been crowdfunded in phases, and co-developed with many teams around the planet.

This generator and its unique form of energy production, along with other similar devices, can change the paradigm of our world. The cost of energy influences the price of everything a person buys. The accessibility of energy determines the freedom or control over people. Changes of this kind do not happen overnight. They happen over a period of time, and in some cases over a period of generations.

The main goal of the QEG project is to transmit this technology into the hands of the people so that everyone can use it to transform their lives.

FTW QEG Report Collection ] 

For two years the group has been working towards funding the creation of an international business entity that can provide the administrative foundation for which to implement the global humanitarian projects. FTW continues to work towards achieving the funding needed for this goal while strengthening the network of contacts and creating a collection of tools and content that provides value to target markets.

[ Core Values ] [ Project Categories

FTW aims to provide tools to help people implement their ideas through online new paradigm business courses, e-books, webinars, and key note speaking engagements.  The group creates quality informational content to help spread awareness of real solutions through blog posts, youtube videos, Internet TV shows and interviews.  FTW facilitates communities and project organization through workshops, meet-up groups and new paradigm networking functions.  The organization is pioneering new paradigm business concepts through the launch and implementation of our pilot project, the Quantum Energy Generator.

[ TV Show ] [ Podcasts ] [ Mailing Lists ]


Select links to the FTW Monetary Paradigm Shift

FTW does not know of any other organization that publicly or privately discloses their expenditure reports. This is a service FTW provides to exemplify our core value of transparency in all financial interactions. The organization wishes to pioneer this behavior for others to emulate in the new paradigm. FTW has had a few successful crowdfunding campaigns which are also documented in the expidentures report.

FTW QEG Project Expenditures Report ]


Select ways FTW gives:

FTW Kiva Loans Campaigns.

FTW opens new community center for the poor in Morocco.

Select ways FTW receives:

Donations to the FTW organization.
Accepted: paypal, credit cards, bitcoin: one-time, monthly.

Memberships with the FTW organization.

FTW 2016 Humanitarian Technology Annual Membership Drive

FTW / QEG Contact Details

FTW can no longer answer any individual questions about the QEG through emails, or comments on Facebook, or the Hopegirl 2012 blog. For questions regarding the QEG, please be sure to read through the QEG FAQ first.

Notes before Contacting FTW / QEG


[ QEG Academy contact form ]


Naima Faegin (HopeGirl Blog)

While working as a Financial Analyst with a billion dollar Investment Bank firm, Naima Feagin became a whistleblower  and created a movement under the name “Hope Girl” to join those who are working to end corruption and create a new paradigm. Her first viral blog post “While You Were Asleep: The Story of the 2012 Revolution” highlighted the facets of hidden corruption in the global economy.

Shortly after, she reached out to the world asking for solutions and compiled a book titled “How to Fix the World”, which provides solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems written by 300 people from 37 countries. The book was then made into a documentary film of the same title and showcases many of the planet changing project ideas from around the world.

Holding an MBA and a variety of business experience, she wrote “A New Paradigm Business Model” and founded the Fix the World Organization (FTW), dedicated to manifesting planet changing ideas through humanitarian projects, learning, and a network of resources. FTW holds plans for over 60 projects, with over 40 partnering organizations and a social media following of approximately 200,000. In 2013 FTW launched its pilot project of local community production and distribution of a Quantum Energy Generator.

[ Email ] [ Twitter ] [ WordPress ] [ Facebook ] [ Youtube ]

For any inquiries regarding the FTW organization or HopeGirl, please email:


James Robitaille

“I am a career Electronics Engineer, who has been designing electronic controls for electric motors for 26+ years. I hold 9 patents and am knowledgeable in many different types of electric motor design. My father was a mechanical designer, so I have been immersed in the field of electro-mechanical motion from my youth. A large part of my work has been in designing rugged, efficient and manufacturable motors and electronic controls for consumer and industrial products. You may have seen some news out of the U.S. from Honda Motor Company about a new option available on the 2014 Odyssey Van – the world’s first built-in cabin vacuum cleaner system! I am the designer of the electronics and motor controls for this product. However, I have always had the eye and the heart of an inventor, and have questioned the established conventions in my field of design. I do not accept the conventional notion that wasted energy has to be a factor in every electrical machine, and so have developed the concept for the home Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) to disprove this theory.”

[ James introduces the QEG Build Manual ]

If you would like to schedule a consulting appointment with James Robitaille regarding the QEG, or if you would like to inquire about hiring James to build a QEG on location please contact him at

James Robitaille is available for private consultation sessions via skype and also to build QEG’s on location by request. Scheduled Consultation hours Available are: Tues and weds from 11 AM to 3 PM EST and 6 PM to 10 PM EST.

In the USA, in Pennsylvania USA, and outside of the USA: Consultations and On-Location Builds

Latest Quantum Energy Generator News


October 26th, 2015

Recently, FTW reached an important milestone that our supporters helped achieve: FTW has obtained a SARL! (International Business Entity) Our first formal mission under this business entity is the opening of the Morocco Community Center for the Poor, showing how the work of the Fix the World Organization has blossomed.

November 10th, 2015

The FTW/QEG Team would like to announce the opening of the QEG On-Line Academy, Monday November 9, 2015. Please see our mainstream media press release below, and [ QEG Online Academy ]  for all the available courses on ebooks, webinars and DVDs. 40 % off all QEG Academy courses and products.

November 11th, 2015

Torelco can help with QEG builds by cutting steel and winding thousands of turns of wire for the core. Torelco sells all the necessary parts separately. One can choose between an epoxied or non-epoxied core. All orders are delivered for a reasonable shipping rate.

[ Torelco on the QEG Online Academy

Torelco and the FTW QEG project managers have been working closely together now for almost 2 years developing the QEG technology, best practices, accessibility to people, and lowest prices available for this project.


This article is part 1 of 5:  The Quantum Energy Generator: Philosophy.

Part 2: The Quantum Energy Generator: Theory.
Part 3: The Quantum Energy Generator: Practice.

Part 4: The Quantum Energy Generator: Store and Academy.
Part 5: The Quantum Energy Generator: The Bright Side.

This article series in the Connectivist Collective blog continues to be edited after publication because the philosophy, theory and practice of disseminating information about the QEG offers many opportunities for learning. Much of the information pertaining to the FTW or the QEG is copied or paraphrased from source materials. Knowledge has been edited to summarize the essence of the project.