Selling Magravs-Power Plasma Generators


As of June 2016, The Keshe Foundation is offering its new power generators. This version is set to replace the previous Magrav-Power Systems because it does not need to be plugged into the grid.


Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute (KFSSI)
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Magravs-Power Plasma Generator

Magravs-Power Plasma Generator Box

€1800.00 – buy now ]
[ manual ] [ DIY blueprint (august 2016) ]

“This is the OFF-GRID Magravs-Power Plasma Generator. On sale as per the 118th Knowledge Seeker Workshop, June 16th, 2016. The system was shown powering multiple appliances with no support from the main power grid of the house. It was advised, during the workshop, that the systems have a maximum output of 3 KW. It is not within warranty to go beyond the maximum, however, independent testing is encouraged. More information can be found on the 118th Knowledge seekers workshop, and provided when available via the product page.”

Includes: plug options, open-source transnational collaborative documentation, certification, warranty, refund policy. Other necessary details such as shipping and taxes calculations are also available.

Magravs-Power Universal System

[ €499.99 – buy now ]
[ brochure ] [ manual ]

“This is the ON-GRID Magravs-Power Universal System. With this product, you are able to support the main outlets in your house. This allows the system to increase the supply that you are receiving and meet the demand that you are using at that point. Upon purchase, instructions will be provided via the product page for easy setup.”

Magravs-Power Car System

Magrav-Power Car System 1

[ €499.99 – buy now ]
[ brochure ] [ manual ]

“As shown at the 84th Knowledge Seekers Workshop, this unit can provide gas milage improvement on your standard gasoline engines. This system nano-coates the vehicle and produces a plasma field around the system first and as more demand is put on the system, the entire vehicle. Instructions will be provided via the product page for easy setup.”

Other popular products with positive testimonials include the Pain Aid Pads, the healing “Pain Pen” and the CO2 Capture Kit. Additionally for sale there are Books, downloadable Documents, Conference tickets, various Manufacturing Products and the GANS program.


Previous related articles

New $10 power system for vehicle and home in 2016.
Kids build Magrav Plasma Power Systems.

The author is a distributor seeking retailers in Poland and in Canada. Please visit the Magrav-Power Systems Poland facebook group for an example of current work in the organization of people around the topic of the above mentioned new energy systems in Poland. The author’s primary focus is the development of public collaboration in research, manufacturing and distribution of various new energy systems which currently include the Magrav-Power Systems and the KFSSI Magravs-Power Plasma Generator along with its future versions. Please see the “Distributor Information Package” regarding KFSSI product distribution details. The author may be contacted through any listed portals, and by responding to this article post.


Plasma Energy Source – Live Keshe Disclosure Notice



[  Keshe Foundation ]

This is a notice of an upcoming live broadcast of a public free energy device release by the Keshe Foundation.

The 3rd World Ambassador’s Meeting will be held from 20:00 to 22:00 on October 16th, 2015 in Rome, Italy. Presentations by Mr Keshe and the Keshe Foundation. The theme is: “Free energy in exchange for world peace”. The new energy units will be shown.

Real-time Ambassador’s Meeting live video feeds:

Keshe Foundation website (Youtube link):

Keshe Foundation on (Livestream link):

Keshe Foundation Spaceship Institute on the Zoom platform:


LEDs – simulacra for emerging Free Energy technologies


Light-based technologies promote sustainable development and can provide solutions to global challenges in energy, education, agriculture and health. Business in this field aims at solving key societal demands: medical and healthcare, telecommunications, cultural and entertainment, economic, political, security and others. Whereas electronics was the key 20th century technology, photonics is emerging as the technology of the 21st century in daily life.

There are currently many people living without a basic supply of light. The Global Off-Grid Lighting Association introduces its mandate with the following statements: “Over one-quarter of the world’s population lives without access to electricity. Off-grid lighting addresses this challenge by providing light to those in need. The move to off-grid lighting is transforming lives and economies in developing countries around the world by increasing incomes, assisting educational development and improving health and safety.”

While references are made primarily towards inexpensive and highly efficient portable LED lighting (light emitting diodes), this sounds like it could easily be free energy home generators in the same line of action within the next few years. As of the end of April 2015, the Tesla Motors company is already offering the Powerwall Home Battery which is expected to alter the electrosphere of the planet.

If LEDs can now emit all the light needed in a home at a much low power consumption compared to other lights, then as we more towards free energy power sources, we can start with solar power. So a photovoltaic cell absorbing sunlight can feed a battery which can power the LEDs. Perhaps that can be the starting connection between the Tesla Powerwall and LEDs.

However, this is far from the potential of free energy and the truth presented in current transnational disclosures. Both LEDs and ideas like the Tesla home battery are merely simulations preparing everyone for many new advancements which ultimately lead to harmonious and ecologically sustainable life on the planet for all beings.


Light-Emitting Diodes (above) are a simulation of the technological transitions necessary for free energies to emerge. For example, below is an already existing light panel – it is not the sky with a sun, it is a light built with a material science beyond LEDs that allows for the appearance of a sky and sun! It is being offered by CoeluxMost people are too busy working for food and heat to stop for a moment and imagine such a thing. Yet it is already here. There are thousands of such ideas in all fields and most of them may never see “the light of day”. Why? For nearly all the same reasons that no free energy device is publicly available, except for one. A public open-sourced free energy device alters a $500 trillion macro-economy. That is 500 x 1 million x 1 million. The other reasons why such ideas as this skylight are a challenge to bring to people may come as a surprise: lack of interest in magic. However, we can leave that for another bedtime story.


The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence released the film Siruis Disclosure in 2013 in which there are youtube displays of various free energy prototypes powering little blinkers, or LEDs. Whether or not this is the actual case, it is apparent that powering an LED can be immediately appreciated at least as an inspiring possible proof of concept of a free energy device. People like to see things and the power of their own mind is one of those things people need to see.

The introduction of diode lighting and home batteries can teach us how to incorporate a technological advancement which replaces a ubiquitous object. Here is a an efficient LED lighting installation idea for a home, in Polish. Soon everything may be advancing  so rapidly that there will be no time for patents, monetization and intelligence bureaucracy.

We may just have to settle for open-sourcing, crowdfunding and collaboration so why not make a harmonious business out of it?